source buttons dont...
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source buttons dont work?

6 Posts
2 Users
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i have connected a mp3 player to the input in 1-2...

if i go to the driver software and select advanced>> usb streaming 1-2 + line in 1-2

than i hear the music from my mp3 player...

but the source 1 en 2 buttons have no function....

i cant switch from computer music to mp3 player... wenkbrouw ophalen

3 Answers

The Source buttons, just like all other buttons, have no hardware specific functions outside of DJ softwares, where they are configured to switch the input sources.

The only way to get  hear an external source, as you've noticed, is to switch the Hardware mix  options in the CPL. 

3 Answers
Topic starter

Thanks for the reply...

i was on a pc with the newest drivers and Virtual DJ 5.2

And the source button didnt worked..

now i am on a laptop with the CD drivers and Virtual DJ DJC edition.

and the source button works here!!

------- conclusion----

Virtual dj 5.2 pro or the newest hercules dj console drivers are the problem!

3 Answers

In order to use the external source in Virtual DJ , the console needs to be in ASIO, which is done automatically by the DJC edition, but not by the full version. be sure the sound configuration is set as follow:

Inputs : None
Outputs: Headphone 
Soundcard: DJ Console Rmx

And be sure to check the box "AppliyEQ on external Inputs"

BTW, the latest version of VDJ is 5.2.1

3 Answers
Topic starter

the source buttons, just like all other buttons, have no hardware specific functions outside of dj softwares, where they are configured to switch the input sources.

the only way to get  hear an external source, as youve noticed, is to switch the hardware mix  options in the cpl. 

Topic starter

thanks for the reply...

i was on a pc with the newest drivers and virtual dj 5.2

and the source button didnt worked..

now i am on a laptop with the cd drivers and virtual dj djc edition.

and the source button works here!!

------- conclusion----

virtual dj 5.2 pro or the newest hercules dj console drivers are the problem!

Topic starter

in order to use the external source in virtual dj , the console needs to be in asio, which is done automatically by the djc edition, but not by the full version. be sure the sound configuration is set as follow:

inputs : none
outputs: headphone 
soundcard: dj console rmx

and be sure to check the box "appliyeq on external inputs"

btw, the latest version of vdj is 5.2.1